Columbus Garden Club
Arbor Day Tree Planting: Annual event to plant a tree in the community scheduled between the third Friday in January and the
fourth Friday in April. Arbor Day tree is planted in honor or memory of local citizen. The first Arbor Day Planting occurred in 1959.
Christmas Tasting Luncheon: A luncheon for club members and special friends. All members bring a covered dish and many invite one guest.
Holiday entertainment is provided. A silent auction, benefitting club charities, and scholarship quilt raffle are held during the event.
Colorado County Fair: County wide event featuring exhibits and entertainment, riding, roping, judging, and much more. Club
members create western themed decorations utilizing live plant material for the main entrance to the fair.
Fall Folk Fest: Community wide weekend event celebrating the history of Columbus and Texas featuring vendors and booths,
historic re-enactments, cemetery tour, historic house tours, carriage rides, and more at the historic Colorado County Court House
Square. Club members create seasonal decorations for the event and sponsor a residential and commercial decorating contest.
The Club also sponsors a Scarecrow Parade and contest.
Historic Holiday Open House: All members of The Club work on this project. The Club decorates a historic home for holiday open
house. Conduct tours for adults and elementary students from Columbus and Eagle Lake for community education. This is a non-
fundraiser for the The Club. The first Holiday Historic Homes Tour and Open House was in 1979, but the Columbus Garden Club
made flower arrangements for the homes as early as 1969.
Historic Holiday Open House Luncheon: Committee members prepare and serve a luncheon for the workers of the Historic Holiday Open House
Committee, at the historic Stafford Opera House - Buddy Rau Room.
Installation Luncheon: Members organize annual luncheon, create decorations, and plan installation of officers.
National Garden Week: Celebrating gardeners and acknowledging the importance of gardening. Project showcases the local club
through the use of promotional and educational activities. Mayor of Columbus and/or Judge and County Commissioners sign
proclamation. Members create fresh floral arrangements and deliver to city hall, library, county courthouse, hospital and nursing
homes. Representatives of garden clubs from neighboring towns of Eagle Lake and Weimar are invited for county-wide
observance and proclamation signing.
Trash Off Day: Ninth annual community wide cleanup event sponsored by club in cooperation with local businesses,
organizations, volunteers, The City of Columbus, Columbus Community Industrial Development Corporation (CCIDC), Keep Texas
Beautiful, and Keep America Beautiful. Columbus Trash Off Day was started in 2007.
Weed and Feed Spring Garden Cleaning Day: All club members will work together in March to clean the community pocket gardens in
Columbus. Project started 2013-14.